Our Staff

Executive staff (left to right) Raeleen, Shelby, (founder) Alison.

It takes not just robust technology but the human brains and touch of a dynamic and dedicated team to support our uniquely personalized and detailed level of attention and service to our clients that we strive for daily, in addition to all the regulatory obligations of the financial services industry. To do this, Alison employs full-time staff, two of which comprise her executive team who interact heavily with clients daily and supervise additional behind-the-scenes support staff.

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Shelby Castro, LSA

Planning Assistant for Alison

Shelby is a licensed service assistant helping clients navigate our software programs. She assists clients and Alison with all the behind-the-scenes mechanical/technical details that go into our clients comprehensive and uniquely customized financial solutions.

She holds a bachelor's degree from The University of Texas, San Antonio. As a native of Lubbock Texas, she loves travelling, enjoys spending time with her family and playing volleyball. Shelby has been in the financial services industry since 2018.

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Raeleen Molina, LSA

Client Service Manager & Coordinator for Alison

Raeleen is a licensed service assistant responsible for coordinating, implementing and facilitating all active client accounts and policies. She runs the daily operations of Alison's office, coordinates Alison's calendar and processes all account changes and service requests.

She loves travelling and her dog Zoey. When not working, she is usually bowling or exploring San Antonio. Raeleen moved to San Antonio from California to join our firm. Raeleen joined our firm for this specific role after doing a similar position in California and has been in the financial services since 2015.