Our Location

8700 Crownhill Blvd, Suite 506 - San Antonio, TX 78209
(virtually and in person)
Office Toll Free: 800.696.4195
Fax Toll Free: 800.203.2051
Mobile Numbers: clients receive our cell phone numbers for use during an emergency

Office Hours

Our office is open and staffed from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST, Monday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Fridays; however, all business is conducted by appointment only. Please call first if you need to come into the office. We periodically close our office for off-site education and holidays.

Tips for Sending Files

You are welcome to fax, email or upload items into your private "shared documents" folder that only you and we can see, this sits in our Wealth Management System that each client receives their own private platform/shelf. When sending a fax, email or upload, please just send us a note if you would like one of us to either review it, hold it until our next meeting or comment on it within the next few business days. You can do this by noting: Review/Hold/For File/Comment asap/etc.

Additionally, in town or out of town clients, we do have an overnight account number for you to use for “dropping off” items or returning items to us when items are required to be originals, otherwise email or upload into your private electronic file with us.